luna at the vet


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luna vet

I mean, if looks could kill. This is Luna in the waiting room at the vet’s today, surrounded by DOGS, and looking non too pleased about it. Been noticing lately that she’s been drinking a lot more water than usual and so a full check up with blood work seemed in order, especially as she is 13 and a half years old. To be honest, she complained a bit when we first hit the street, but once inside the taxi and afterwards, not a peep. Thank god. Half (or more) of the stress taking the cats to the vet is listening to them scream their heads off all the way there and back again. But seeing her here in the carrier it was if she had decided to bide her time and plot her revenge for when I least expected it. I fear for my feet tonight.

Luna was also good as gold during the examination, blood extraction, all of it. But then all my cats have always been like that, going all floppy at the vet’s (which I know they appreciate). Anyhow, it’s all good news. She is weighing in at a healthy 3.8 kilos (a whole 1.5 kilos more than Morcilla!) and the test results showed no organ issues, just that her defenses are a bit low. Teeth good, eyes a bit “slow” but within the range of a cat her age. No obvious arthritis but Sonia said after a probe of her hips that Luna probably isn’t leaping up onto things much anymore. You kidding me? That girl is leaping all over the place all the time. That surprised Sonia and said it was a very good sign.

To sum up. Sonia has recommended a 6 week course of a vitamin booster (can’t remember the name, Nutri-something, they didn’t have it in stock so will have to go back on Friday). Then a follow-up blood test. She suggested two weeks from now, I suggested after the treatment was finished. All to be decided. But the great news is that, for a gal her age, my Luna is in pretty good shape, and that’s such a relief after losing Loki last year. Upon arriving home the first thing Luna wanted to do was EAT as she had to fast since yesterday evening (without understanding why she was suddenly being STARVED TO DEATH). Meanwhile Morcilla didn’t even notice the food dish had gone missing. My girls. Now officially senior citizens, bless.



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augurio (1)Lorena & Carmen

Last week I heard about this brand new restaurant that had just opened in my ‘hood so I asked my friend Reyes (tapas bar royalty and owner of Casa Morales) if she wanted to try it out with me. And well of course she did! This place is run by a young couple, Lorena (chef) and Carmen (front of house) who spent two summers running a beach restaurant in Punta Umbría before moving to Sevilla. This new location has seating for just 24, it’s cosy and minimalist, and omg the food is amazing.

augurio (2)Lorena, Carmen, Iván, Reyes & Jesús

While Reyes and I were eating my pal (and fellow Sevilla Academia member) Chencho showed up as he was also about to write something about Augurio for his long-running food blog. After he left Iván (chef and owner of Michelin-recommended Ivantxu) came in with a friend to eat, and later Jesús (co-owner of La Cayetana around the corner) stopped in for a coffee after his lunch service finished. And well, I mean… I had to take a photo. It was just so lovely to see see friends, colleagues and neighbours supporting each other and once again I was reminded how lucky I am to be a part of this fabulous, creative (and delicious!) local community.





It has been said that a good man is hard to find but – can I tell you? – finding a good handyman is next to impossible. Luis came into my life a few years ago when a neighbour recommended him after I said I needed a few things done around the place. For example cleaning the filter in the AC/Heating unit that is hidden above that false ceiling in the bathroom. Not only is it hidden up there, there is a horrific mess of cables, wires and tubes above the plaster tiles making it almost impossible to access the damn filter. The first time Luis came to do this it was a learning curve for both of us. But now he knows what needs to be done and – bless – he also takes off his shoes at the door. Anyhow, these days Luis has a full-time job but still does handyman jobs now and again. I’m lucky he still still wants to pop by here once a year and make sure things are okay.