
It’s finally here!

It’s about 9.30 on birthday morning and I am sitting all snug and warm in bed using Nog’s laptop and being totally spoilt. Nog has brought me some lovely hot coffee and a plate of our favourite arabic pastries for brekky. Mmmm . . .

Later on we are going to open some f_bubbly.gif and then go out for lunch at our favourite restaurant – it might even be warm enough to sit outside on the terrace.

And of course there is still the Barcelona trip to look forward to (next Friday). f_wow.gif

I’m also thinking about what ‘being 50’ means to me. Sure, you can say it’s just a number, but I think it’s quite something that I’ve made it this far and feel that this should mark some sort of turning point in my life. At least it’s a time to take stock and finally get to work on all those things I’ve been putting off, as well as accepting that I’m not actually young anymore and need to take better care of myself.

I was considering having a mid-life crisis but then decided that would be somewhat overly optimistic. Anyhoodle, welcome to my birthday – help yourself to some bubbly and pastries (there’s more in the kitchen).

Glad you could stop by. f_cheers.gif