
So it’s in and done … no more chemo arm!

My yoga buddy Lola came with me to the hospital yesterday afternoon, even though it meant she had to give up her (very expensive) seat at the evening bullfight. I felt really guilty about that, but from the minute I asked her if she might come with me there was no arguing with her. She was taking me and that was that…

I was lucky to get the appointment at all as they only do three ports on Tuesdays (and only on Tuesdays), and they were already booked up, but the doctor I spoke to last week (Santiago) got me in after I told him how bad my chemo arm and hand was. And it turned out that Santiago was also part of my surgical team, as well as the head surgeon (whose name I didn’t catch). Between the two of them they kept me “entertained” so that it was easier to deal with the PAIN when they injected the anaesthetic. We spent most of the time joking and talking … and it also helped that Santiago slipped me quite a nice tranq in my IV.

Anyhow, the whole thing took about an hour and Lola had been told that she should bring her car out front because I’d probably be feeling weak and dizzy. I felt nothing of the sort – just glad that it was over – so after Lola dropped her car off at home we went out for a nice cold beer at Flaherty’s. Then it was home to have something to eat and basically veg in the comfy chair for the rest of the evening.

As Lola said, this is one more thing done and out of the way, though it kind of creeps me out knowing there is this  contraption under my skin and running into one of my veins. Haven’t seen it yet. It’s all bandaged up until Thursday, when they’ll want to take a look at it before the next chemo session.

So today I’m seeing the oncologist with Susan. And tomorrow it’s chemo again. I think my other yoga buddy Flor is coming with me for that one. Then I’ll be in a chemo/anti-nausea drug haze until about Monday. Lots of naps.

I reckon LISTS will probably have to wait until next week.